How can I be sure of God’s love?
We all know life can be harsh. Consequently, it may be difficult to look at our circumstances and conclude that God is a god of love. Perhaps you grew up in a broken home with little evidence of love -- possibly even abuse -- from your earthly father. You may have lost loved ones to illness, accident or war. In some areas of the world, poverty and famine are daily realities. Where is God's love in all this?
I believe God's heart aches more than we can ever know at the pain, suffering, injustice and difficulties all His children encounter, especially when you understand that most of it is the result of mankind turning away from Him. Sin's entrance into the world brought severe consequences. Yet from the onset of sin and its ravages, God had the remedy in mind.
That remedy was Jesus. While we were still caught up in sin, God sent His own Son to buy us back -- to "redeem" us. Here is the way Jesus describes the love of God:
God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 NIV).
The Apostle John also focused on God's love:
God is love. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him (1 John 4:8,9 NIV).
Oswald Chambers sums up the linkage between the cross and God's love:
The bedrock of our Christian faith is the unmerited, fathomless marvel of the love of God exhibited on the Cross of Calvary, a love we never can and never shall merit (March 7).
Billy Graham, in his recent book, The Journey, says, "The more I read the Bible, the more I realize that love is God's supreme attribute" (p. 22).
When you yielded your life to God and were born again, you came face to face with your heavenly Father's love. Now, as you continue your Christian journey, lean into that love, drawing deeply upon it. Immerse yourself in His love and care.
Here is a prayer, penned to the early church in Ephesus by the Apostle Paul, who wrote several letters to new believers that are recorded in the New Testament. You can make this prayer your own: "(that you may) know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:19).
Key Scripture God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son (John 3:16 NIV).
Key Thought God’s love for me has never wavered -- and it never will.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
How am I doing on Day 4?
Can you confidently make the following statements?
* I am certain that by faith I have been born again -- I've come out of darkness into light. (Remember, our assurance is based on the fact of God's promise, not on how we feel.)
* My focus is on the here and now, not where I've been, and not on what the future holds.
* I have entered into a new and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He loves me and He is changing me from the inside out.
We'll be coming back to these themes from time to time. Now, I want to introduce you to a book -- the Bible. It must become your friend and lifelong companion.
Words are important in any culture. They are how we communicate facts, ideas, instruction, encouragement and correction. It shouldn't surprise you that God will communicate with you by words. He even referred to Jesus, His Son, as "the Word" (See John 1).
The Bible consists of 66 books -- a collection of history, poetry, letters and the accounts of those from whom we can learn valuable lessons. It is the number one means by which you can learn who God is, how He wants you to live and how He will help you.
I didn't always view the Bible as this kind of companion. Before I committed my life to Jesus, I found it confusing, even mysterious. Part of the problem was that I tried to read it like any other book, from page 1. Soon, I got bogged down and put it aside.
After I became a believer, the Bible began to come alive. I started reading one of the four gospels in the New Testament on the advice of a friend and discovered a wonderful account of the life of Jesus. I found it very real, very transparent. I became aware that what I was reading was producing hope in me. I discovered lessons that applied to where I was right then. In fact, often what I would read each morning would apply directly to events happening that very day. More than once I recall saying, "That's amazing!"
If you have a Bible, great! If not, you can access one online at Try starting with Luke's gospel. Read a little each day. As you read, let the words speak to you, bringing some fresh insight, some new truth. Savor what God tells you through His word -- turning it over in your mind, allowing it to be a vital source of life. (Even though something is confusing, remember everything in the Bible is there for a purpose.)
Another good practice would be to look up the Bible references I mention in this study. This will help you become familiar with "navigating" through the Bible and to see the specific context for a particular verse or verses. (In this 30-day study, I've generally used the New King James Version of the Bible, unless otherwise noted -- such as "NIV" for the New International Version -- but feel free to find a version that is appropriate for you.)
As you know, in any kind of building project, the foundation is critical. For example, in the construction of a new high-rise building, the "unglamorous" work below ground must be done carefully. The foundation is no place to cut corners, even though this phase of construction can seem to take forever. Eventually, activity begins above ground and the building takes shape with remarkable speed. In the same way, your new life in Christ must be built on a solid foundation. The very best foundation is the Bible. Situations change, and friends come and go. But the Bible is "rock solid." Decide today to build your foundation on God's word, making it your lifelong companion.
Key Scripture Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (Colossians 3:16).
Key Thought The Bible is more than a container for the word of God -- it is God speaking directly to me through the words I read.
Can you confidently make the following statements?
* I am certain that by faith I have been born again -- I've come out of darkness into light. (Remember, our assurance is based on the fact of God's promise, not on how we feel.)
* My focus is on the here and now, not where I've been, and not on what the future holds.
* I have entered into a new and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He loves me and He is changing me from the inside out.
We'll be coming back to these themes from time to time. Now, I want to introduce you to a book -- the Bible. It must become your friend and lifelong companion.
Words are important in any culture. They are how we communicate facts, ideas, instruction, encouragement and correction. It shouldn't surprise you that God will communicate with you by words. He even referred to Jesus, His Son, as "the Word" (See John 1).
The Bible consists of 66 books -- a collection of history, poetry, letters and the accounts of those from whom we can learn valuable lessons. It is the number one means by which you can learn who God is, how He wants you to live and how He will help you.
I didn't always view the Bible as this kind of companion. Before I committed my life to Jesus, I found it confusing, even mysterious. Part of the problem was that I tried to read it like any other book, from page 1. Soon, I got bogged down and put it aside.
After I became a believer, the Bible began to come alive. I started reading one of the four gospels in the New Testament on the advice of a friend and discovered a wonderful account of the life of Jesus. I found it very real, very transparent. I became aware that what I was reading was producing hope in me. I discovered lessons that applied to where I was right then. In fact, often what I would read each morning would apply directly to events happening that very day. More than once I recall saying, "That's amazing!"
If you have a Bible, great! If not, you can access one online at Try starting with Luke's gospel. Read a little each day. As you read, let the words speak to you, bringing some fresh insight, some new truth. Savor what God tells you through His word -- turning it over in your mind, allowing it to be a vital source of life. (Even though something is confusing, remember everything in the Bible is there for a purpose.)
Another good practice would be to look up the Bible references I mention in this study. This will help you become familiar with "navigating" through the Bible and to see the specific context for a particular verse or verses. (In this 30-day study, I've generally used the New King James Version of the Bible, unless otherwise noted -- such as "NIV" for the New International Version -- but feel free to find a version that is appropriate for you.)
As you know, in any kind of building project, the foundation is critical. For example, in the construction of a new high-rise building, the "unglamorous" work below ground must be done carefully. The foundation is no place to cut corners, even though this phase of construction can seem to take forever. Eventually, activity begins above ground and the building takes shape with remarkable speed. In the same way, your new life in Christ must be built on a solid foundation. The very best foundation is the Bible. Situations change, and friends come and go. But the Bible is "rock solid." Decide today to build your foundation on God's word, making it your lifelong companion.
Key Scripture Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (Colossians 3:16).
Key Thought The Bible is more than a container for the word of God -- it is God speaking directly to me through the words I read.
What should I do first?
Early in our journey, we need to understand the vital distinction between religion and a relationship. Most of us have seen religion at work -- but the relationship we have with Jesus is much different. Religion tends toward the external. It is structural and rules-based. In contrast, our relationship should be personal, open, warm and liberating.
Jesus wants us to come to Him the way a little child comes to a loving parent. Anyone who has spent time around young children understands this imagery. My wife, Wendy, and I were always delighted when one of our six children would run up to us, arms outstretched for a hug -- then nestling in with their entire little bodies, completely at rest and filled with trust.
Can I ask you to do this right now? Just become a "little child" for a minute -- and come to Jesus as you would to a father or mother who deeply loves you. No requests. No expectations. You don't have to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Simply come to Him and nestle in. Stay in His presence. Experience His love for you.
Did you take time for this? Please don't go on until you do.
Let this childlike act become a lifelong habit. From that place of rest, trust and dependency you will experience the transforming power of the new life. "It is God who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13). His work is inside out, not outside in.
Sadly, many Christians have allowed religion to become a substitute for a relationship. It is an easy trap to fall into. You can get so busy "doing things for God" that you neglect the personal bond with Him.
Uncorrected, this "religious" tendency can actually become a spiritual liability. This was so in Jesus' day. Jesus reserved some of his harshest words for "professional believers" -- who became so bound with rules and regulations that their lives were consumed with hypocrisy and greed. They were blind to Jesus' desire for a relationship.
Make it your goal to stay childlike in your relationship with Jesus, even as you grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Key Scripture Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Key Thought Jesus is a person. He wants a personal relationship with me.
Early in our journey, we need to understand the vital distinction between religion and a relationship. Most of us have seen religion at work -- but the relationship we have with Jesus is much different. Religion tends toward the external. It is structural and rules-based. In contrast, our relationship should be personal, open, warm and liberating.
Jesus wants us to come to Him the way a little child comes to a loving parent. Anyone who has spent time around young children understands this imagery. My wife, Wendy, and I were always delighted when one of our six children would run up to us, arms outstretched for a hug -- then nestling in with their entire little bodies, completely at rest and filled with trust.
Can I ask you to do this right now? Just become a "little child" for a minute -- and come to Jesus as you would to a father or mother who deeply loves you. No requests. No expectations. You don't have to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Simply come to Him and nestle in. Stay in His presence. Experience His love for you.
Did you take time for this? Please don't go on until you do.
Let this childlike act become a lifelong habit. From that place of rest, trust and dependency you will experience the transforming power of the new life. "It is God who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13). His work is inside out, not outside in.
Sadly, many Christians have allowed religion to become a substitute for a relationship. It is an easy trap to fall into. You can get so busy "doing things for God" that you neglect the personal bond with Him.
Uncorrected, this "religious" tendency can actually become a spiritual liability. This was so in Jesus' day. Jesus reserved some of his harshest words for "professional believers" -- who became so bound with rules and regulations that their lives were consumed with hypocrisy and greed. They were blind to Jesus' desire for a relationship.
Make it your goal to stay childlike in your relationship with Jesus, even as you grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Key Scripture Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Key Thought Jesus is a person. He wants a personal relationship with me.
What can I expect on my journey?
Years ago, when our family would set out on a long car trip, we would be only a few miles down the road when one of our then small children would ask, "Daddy, are we there yet?"
As we begin our spiritual journey, let's not focus on how long the journey is. And let's not worry about what we'll encounter along the way, for in reality we don't know. Only God does. Rather, let us think about what's happening right now. Here are some key ideas:
* Just as you committed your life to Jesus, He has fully committed Himself to you. He promises: "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus is with you all the time, regardless of your situation.
* Give up the idea of instant results. Spiritual growth doesn't happen overnight, it is a process. Look for small changes: meeting a new Christian friend; making a step to curtail an annoying habit; discovering a helpful insight from the Bible.
* Take your new life a day at a time, even moment by moment. A daily writing by Oswald Chambers, whose thoughts on the Christian life are found in a wonderful book called My Utmost for His Highest, says in his July 28 entry: "(God's) purpose is for this minute, not something in the future." Focus on where He is working in you, around you and through you right now.
Here is a caution, one we'll get into in more depth later. When Jesus was explaining the parable of the sower to His disciples (mentioned in the Introduction), He said, "The wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart" (Matthew 13:19). He was referring to the devil, or Satan -- your adversary who is always working against you.
Satan's tactic for the new believer is to pull you back from your newfound faith. He'll say: "This isn't real. You've just had an emotional experience." "You're going to lose all your friends." "Your fun days are over." It's a mental battle, and dealing with the adversary is a fact of your Christian life.
When Satan comes with doubts, fears and temptations, oppose him with words like these: "I am a child of God, redeemed from my old life by the Lord Jesus." Then pray for Jesus to help you. "Lord, help me through this battle."
Remember: by coming to Jesus you have taken a major, life-transforming step -- one you will never regret!
Key Scripture He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
Key Thought My next step is the most important on my lifelong journey.
Years ago, when our family would set out on a long car trip, we would be only a few miles down the road when one of our then small children would ask, "Daddy, are we there yet?"
As we begin our spiritual journey, let's not focus on how long the journey is. And let's not worry about what we'll encounter along the way, for in reality we don't know. Only God does. Rather, let us think about what's happening right now. Here are some key ideas:
* Just as you committed your life to Jesus, He has fully committed Himself to you. He promises: "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus is with you all the time, regardless of your situation.
* Give up the idea of instant results. Spiritual growth doesn't happen overnight, it is a process. Look for small changes: meeting a new Christian friend; making a step to curtail an annoying habit; discovering a helpful insight from the Bible.
* Take your new life a day at a time, even moment by moment. A daily writing by Oswald Chambers, whose thoughts on the Christian life are found in a wonderful book called My Utmost for His Highest, says in his July 28 entry: "(God's) purpose is for this minute, not something in the future." Focus on where He is working in you, around you and through you right now.
Here is a caution, one we'll get into in more depth later. When Jesus was explaining the parable of the sower to His disciples (mentioned in the Introduction), He said, "The wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart" (Matthew 13:19). He was referring to the devil, or Satan -- your adversary who is always working against you.
Satan's tactic for the new believer is to pull you back from your newfound faith. He'll say: "This isn't real. You've just had an emotional experience." "You're going to lose all your friends." "Your fun days are over." It's a mental battle, and dealing with the adversary is a fact of your Christian life.
When Satan comes with doubts, fears and temptations, oppose him with words like these: "I am a child of God, redeemed from my old life by the Lord Jesus." Then pray for Jesus to help you. "Lord, help me through this battle."
Remember: by coming to Jesus you have taken a major, life-transforming step -- one you will never regret!
Key Scripture He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
Key Thought My next step is the most important on my lifelong journey.
What actually happens when I commit to following Jesus?
This is a tremendously important question. Most of us have very incomplete knowledge of what's involved in the transformed life at the time of our decision to follow Christ. But it is essential that we quickly grow in that understanding.
According to the Bible we are "born again" when we take certain steps in faith:
* Acknowledge we have been separated from God -- living independently from Him -- and repent for staying separated. ("Repent" means to stop and completely change direction.)
* Turn toward God and away from our former way of living
* Personally, and verbally, ask Jesus Christ to be our Savior -- receiving Him as the One who by His death, burial and resurrection made it possible to come back to God
* Give ourselves fully to Him, recognizing that Jesus is Lord -- the One who is entitled to all authority in our lives
This act of believing, the term used most commonly in the New Testament, is not merely mental assent but actively inviting Jesus to be our Savior and Lord with all our heart and strength. Passion is permissible!
As mentioned earlier, I reached this point of commitment after years of trying to make it on my own. I finally came to the end of myself -- and reached out to Jesus. I became a believer. I was "born again." I experienced a fresh start, a new beginning.
Though observable changes didn't take place immediately, I can look back now to see a process of gradual change -- one that began a major shift in the entire direction of my life. In a word: transformed!
Here are some of the ways the Bible describes transformation:
Out of Darkness Into Light (1 Peter 2:9)
Out of Bondage Into Freedom (Romans 8:21)
Out of Death Into Life (Romans 6:13)
On day one after your commitment to follow Jesus you may not feel any different. Don't let your feelings obscure this one major fact: a huge transition has taken place! It will take time -- maybe a lifetime -- to fully appreciate the ramifications of turning your life over to Christ -- both now and for eternity. It still overwhelms me to realize that God Himself met me as a lost, self-willed, and self-sufficient young man. The Author of all creation reached out to me, accepted me into His family and showed me His unconditional love. And that love has never diminished for a single moment since.
Don't be discouraged if you don't see the evidence right away. Stand your ground. You have embarked on a new journey. You are a new person with a new, transformed life. Your adventure of following Jesus has just begun.
Key Scripture Therefore if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Key Thought My life has changed -- forever.
What actually happens when I commit to following Jesus?
This is a tremendously important question. Most of us have very incomplete knowledge of what's involved in the transformed life at the time of our decision to follow Christ. But it is essential that we quickly grow in that understanding.
According to the Bible we are "born again" when we take certain steps in faith:
* Acknowledge we have been separated from God -- living independently from Him -- and repent for staying separated. ("Repent" means to stop and completely change direction.)
* Turn toward God and away from our former way of living
* Personally, and verbally, ask Jesus Christ to be our Savior -- receiving Him as the One who by His death, burial and resurrection made it possible to come back to God
* Give ourselves fully to Him, recognizing that Jesus is Lord -- the One who is entitled to all authority in our lives
This act of believing, the term used most commonly in the New Testament, is not merely mental assent but actively inviting Jesus to be our Savior and Lord with all our heart and strength. Passion is permissible!
As mentioned earlier, I reached this point of commitment after years of trying to make it on my own. I finally came to the end of myself -- and reached out to Jesus. I became a believer. I was "born again." I experienced a fresh start, a new beginning.
Though observable changes didn't take place immediately, I can look back now to see a process of gradual change -- one that began a major shift in the entire direction of my life. In a word: transformed!
Here are some of the ways the Bible describes transformation:
Out of Darkness Into Light (1 Peter 2:9)
Out of Bondage Into Freedom (Romans 8:21)
Out of Death Into Life (Romans 6:13)
On day one after your commitment to follow Jesus you may not feel any different. Don't let your feelings obscure this one major fact: a huge transition has taken place! It will take time -- maybe a lifetime -- to fully appreciate the ramifications of turning your life over to Christ -- both now and for eternity. It still overwhelms me to realize that God Himself met me as a lost, self-willed, and self-sufficient young man. The Author of all creation reached out to me, accepted me into His family and showed me His unconditional love. And that love has never diminished for a single moment since.
Don't be discouraged if you don't see the evidence right away. Stand your ground. You have embarked on a new journey. You are a new person with a new, transformed life. Your adventure of following Jesus has just begun.
Key Scripture Therefore if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Key Thought My life has changed -- forever.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Choice
Its been so long that i didn't update my blog. Today, I'm going to write something that matter the most to me... Life is all about making choices. I have been wondering am i walking in the right way? Am i taking the best way right now? Or is this the best choices i have choose? When all of this questions appeared in my head, i feel like wanted to scream... Sometimes, i just a small things for granted without realizing that actually it will brings a great effect in my life.( especially now ) I don't feel like i am helping my life live to the fullest instead i am destroying it. And more worse, no one is there to wipe my tears and even if they offer a shoulder for me to cry on, i feel like i was a dead body, nothing can satisfy myself. Sometimes, I've been thinking i want to go and be the "old" me , i like the way i was. How pathetic i am now and how spectacular my life was. I know this have something to do with the choices i took and the choices i plan to take. I hope no matter what steps i take, i hope everyone can understand it. I'm a big girl now and i know what i do and i know what should i do. Even if made a mistakes, corrected me but don't blame me.
Seriously, there are a lot scar in my heart and it appears to be deeper and much more deeper when i think about it. I'm happy with my past as it showed me something that i never knew. But the people around us especially those who were really up-to-date in every aspects of your life tends to create a gossip and they want to take you down. Hey, everybody make mistakes. Everyone is design and given a chance to make mistakes.Who are you to care so much mistakes I've done in my life. You did a mistakes too. How unfair and wonderful life is... I love my life and hey I'm not ashamed with my past.
Based on what i have been through before,people have this kind of feature. When we did a mistake , people will only see the mistake that you have done and forget all the good things you did before. I believe everyone has been through like this. They were like " you shouldn't do that in the first place, you are ruining everything! Do you realize how big mistake you have done ? " Huh... And i Was like " If know that this would come in the first place, i wouldn't do this ? How if you were me ? Do you know what should you do when thing comes out and day HI to you ? " Arghh... If we have the ability to know what might come up next, there would be no mistakes in this world .Everything would be very perfect and guess what? We don't need a God. See, how choices might brought to us?
Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk , every situation is a choice. You choose how to react with the situations and there will be a more choices for you to made in the future. This choice mixed with a little confusion and confession, build with a confirmation and must be obtained by sacrifices. And in that moment, no matter how sagacious you are, it won't help you anymore
Written by ,
Sharon Lim
Seriously, there are a lot scar in my heart and it appears to be deeper and much more deeper when i think about it. I'm happy with my past as it showed me something that i never knew. But the people around us especially those who were really up-to-date in every aspects of your life tends to create a gossip and they want to take you down. Hey, everybody make mistakes. Everyone is design and given a chance to make mistakes.Who are you to care so much mistakes I've done in my life. You did a mistakes too. How unfair and wonderful life is... I love my life and hey I'm not ashamed with my past.
Based on what i have been through before,people have this kind of feature. When we did a mistake , people will only see the mistake that you have done and forget all the good things you did before. I believe everyone has been through like this. They were like " you shouldn't do that in the first place, you are ruining everything! Do you realize how big mistake you have done ? " Huh... And i Was like " If know that this would come in the first place, i wouldn't do this ? How if you were me ? Do you know what should you do when thing comes out and day HI to you ? " Arghh... If we have the ability to know what might come up next, there would be no mistakes in this world .Everything would be very perfect and guess what? We don't need a God. See, how choices might brought to us?
Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk , every situation is a choice. You choose how to react with the situations and there will be a more choices for you to made in the future. This choice mixed with a little confusion and confession, build with a confirmation and must be obtained by sacrifices. And in that moment, no matter how sagacious you are, it won't help you anymore
Written by ,
Sharon Lim
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