Sunday, November 23, 2008

Heart Of The Matter

Heart Of The Matter

When all is said and done, relationship are all that really matter. It doesn’t matter how much money we have, where we live, or how beautiful toys we’ve collected. None of these can comfort us, console us, cry with us, or love us. Our investment in the people we care about is the only legacy that has the power to endure beyond our lifetime.

God designed us to be in relationship both vertically with Him and horizontally with the people around us . Even though we may have a deep desires to connect with our families, friends, and communities, we've all experienced some of the messiness of relating to others. Expectations, disappointed, betrayals, hurts, lies, misunderstanding- there are so many obstacles to loving other people and being loved by them. But we were created for relationship, and we must be concerned about them ever before.

If you've ever lost a loved one, you know how important it is to try to wrap up any unfinished business between you.It can be as simple as expressing how much you love each or as complicated as discussing the impact of a lifetime of failures and then asking forgiveness. Either way, both of you consider priority- rearranging schedule if necessary , traveling great distances and speaking from your hearts.

Today,though , most of us are so busy. Like me as a student, I've got a lot of homework to do and I always under pressure as i have to paddle my own canoe, plus i have someone to take good care of. And until that time, another colour turns to grey. If I would want to give them the gift of time together,to say all the things that i wanted to say or share the things that i had wanted to share. I would want to leave them with memories, words, and a personal investment that would linger long.

Until now, there are so much things that i wanted to share with you. I wish that we can share our opinion together. I wish we could spend the holidays togeter. I never knew that I could hurt like this.Every memories decorated my life. If only I can experienced that memories again, how spectacular it would be....We would only appreciated that once it lost. Why? Why do we wair until people are dead to give them flowers? It seems ironic that most of us value relationship but don't depend the energy to invest in them fully. In hyperspeed hustle of our overscheduled lives, many of us tend to take others for granted.We should realize just how much we need other people as well as how much they need us.

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